Debra Isaacs Schafer
5 min readAug 17, 2024


School, Special Education, & IEPs

Gird Your Loins — IEP Season Is Back.

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

It’s coming. In a week or a few. School.

And if your child or teen is neurodiverse…

IEP meetings.



Progress reports.

And for some, behavioral concerns, placement issues, school refusal, social challenges, and more.

Plus, new schedules, new teachers, new classrooms, new cubbies or lockers, new providers, new expectations…it’s almost like starting all over again which may work well for some, yet is a nightmare for many others.

The unknowns. Unpredictability. Inability to anticipate what’s next. Different expectations and demands. It’s a lot.

Some kids start the school year strong right out of the gate. Others struggle from days before the bus is even to arrive.

It’s a bit of a crap shoot with some well-planned preparation in the mix, making it challenging for you to get your footing while trying to help your child get theirs.

Add the enormous work/life challenges working parents face, and the start of a new school year for parents with neurodiverse children and teens is some hope, planning, and a dash of anticipatory anxiety — for your child and for…



Debra Isaacs Schafer

Coaching & advocacy supporting parents raising children with autism, ADHD, LD, & mental health needs focusing on navigating school K-12.